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K-12 Schools

Cristo Rey Philadelphia High School

Blackney Hayes Cristo Rey Philadelphia High School Exterior View

An independent Catholic high school for students of all faiths


Philadelphia, PA


105,000 sq. ft.


Architecture, Comprehensive Planning, Interior Design

  • A Vision for Change

    Shaping Cristo Rey’s New Legacy

    By his own account, John McConnell was one of the lucky ones. A longtime partner at Deloitte, a native Philadelphian, and a proud alum of its schools, John was nearing retirement in 2010 – and searching for a cause that might help spread the wealth around his beloved city.

    Blackney Hayes Cristo Rey Philadelphia High School Exterior View of the Warehouse on Allegheny Avenue
  • Urban Renewal

    Reviving a Forgotten Space

    In response,  McConnell partnered with Blackney Hayes to renovate a 5-acre site, located at 17th and Allegheny Avenue, that included an abandoned 5-story, 55,000 sq. ft. heavy timber and masonry warehouse building and an adjacent open field.

    Blackney Hayes Cristo Rey Philadelphia High School Classroom in Warehouse
  • Community-Driven Design

    Transformative Renovation with Community Input

    The design team spent months soliciting wide-ranging community input – from the staff to the parents to the kids themselves. They repurposed the original wood beams and flooring from the warehouse. And they designed a 48,000 sq. ft. addition to the warehouse for additional classroom spaces, a gymnasium, a health center, a new athletic field, and outdoor instructional and gathering spaces.

    Blackney Hayes Cristo Rey Philadelphia High School Student looking into the Gymnasium